Monday, June 21, 2010

one happy camper!

So, I signed up for the RVA Summer Camp and couldn't be more excited!  All of the projects look super cute and I can't wait to see what my fellow campers come up with!

Here's my take on Rachel's woven floor mat.  
It was really easy to do and I will be 
putting it at the door of my new studio!
can. not. wait!

I used a bunch of t-shirts that had seen better days and
were just taking up space in my drawers....lots of space.

I used a 10mm crochet hook and about one shirt per row.
I adjusted the stitches according to the stretch of the fabric,
that way I was able to use almost all of the t-shirt yarn I made!

have a lovely day!
-miss anna

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

coffee can crayons

I'm not sure why...but when I was little we always kept the 'old' crayons in a coffee can. I still do this.
Here's what the Mad Rosie and I did with our coffee can crayons...

1. Preheat your oven to 350.
Remove the paper wrapper from the crayons.
this can be a pain...and time consuming.
I used a craft knife to cut the wrappers, Maddie peeled them off.

2. Then we picked out colors that were similar or went well together.
(And we made a few that didn't go so well together too!)

3. We broke the crayons into pieces
and put them in a lined muffin pan.
*Be careful not to fill the cups to high.
You don't want the cups to overflow with hot wax.
That could be dangerous...and for sure a huge mess!

3. Place your crayons in the oven. Baking times will vary depending on the amount of crayons you use, your oven, blah...blah.Our crayons took about 7 minutes to fully melt.

4. Allow time for your crayons to cool completely before using.

There ya go! Super rad "new" crayons out of "old" crayons! yay!
Maddie is taking hers to school tomorrow! :)

miss anna

Monday, January 18, 2010

feelin' the love

Style School Project
Here's a cute little project I did for Style School.
I set a personal goal to use up craft supplies that I already have at my home for the projects. For this project, I used a light pink jersey knit pillow case and a dark pink shirt that were in the "to be donated" box at my house. Perfect colors for the upcoming Valentine's Day!
I cut the fabric into strips and wrapped it around the floral wreath. I used pins to secure the fabric. That way I can re-use the materials for a new wreath after Valentine's Day!
The buttons are even attached using pins. Luckily, Maddie had some that were Valentine colors with a pretty metallic pearl finish. I love buttons...I have jars and jars of them!
I cut shorter strips and tied them in the middle with a long strip of fabric to make the
pom-pomish flower. I used the end of the long strip to tie the flower to the wreath and secured it with a pin. 

miss anna

Sunday, September 27, 2009

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…

Confession...I got hooked.
I'm not sure if it was the wolves, the vampires or the Twilight themed
sweethearts but I'm gettin over a crazy obsession with the
Twilight saga!
In fact I'm still unpacking my bags from my stay in Forks. haha!
And of course I couldn't resist making this headband...
it was too funny!

A few of us at work started reading the books around the same time.
It's been fun having something to talk and laugh about besides work.
Even if it is something as ridiculous as Twilight!
Be cool like us...start a club at your work!

Even though the garage loft construction began this weekend,
I somehow managed to squeeze in a project for class!
Seriously LOVE the class and all the classmates!
SOOOO much fun! :)

Hope your weekend was most lovely!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

it's autumn

and the leaves aren't the only things falling!
This is Buddy Lee-Greatest Action Hero.
However, his action hasn't been so great lately
and now he has a bum leg. Poor Buddy Lee.
Maybe he's really just struttin his new pimp walk!?
I finally worked on a project for class!
I raided my Mema's fabric stash and found
some scraps from a quilt she had made.
I embroidered "my prayers" on one of her left-over patches,
stitched it to the front and added a few buttons.
Inside, I made a few blank cards and wrote some
of her favorite prayers on a the others.
I also added a pocket for holy cards and what-not.
If I can wait, I'll give it to Mema for Christmas!

I'm off to dream about good things...
miss anna

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

dear, summer...

please don't stay away too long.
i'll be dreaming about you coming back soon.
miss anna